AWS Academy Engineering Operations Technician


AWS Academy Engineering Operations Technician is designed to help students develop technical expertise in engineering operations. This course is for learners enrolled in a data center operations, engineering, or information technology track in a STEM course at a higher education academic institution. This course also helps to re-skill professional learners.


Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

    • Identify the basic design requirements for a data center
    • Identify key elements of a Network-Critical Physical Infrastructure (NCPI) for a data center
    • Recognize strategies to protect the physical security of a data center
    • Explain concepts related to a data center’s electrical system
    • Describe the power systems that are used in a data center, including transformers, generators, and power distribution units (PDUs)
    • Identify the battery systems that are used in a data center
    • Describe how generators are used in a data center
    • Describe how cooling systems are used in a data center
    • Recognize the fire detection, communication, and suppression systems in a data center
    • Identify how racks are used in a data center
    • Describe how maintenance is performed in a data center
    • Describe reliability and how to ensure reliability in a data center
    • Describe availability and how to ensure availability in a data center
    • Describe efficiency, how to measure it, and strategies for improving it in a data center
    • Identify the roles, tools, and processes that are used to manage a data center
    • Identify data center monitoring and management tasks
    • Identify safety considerations for a data center
    • Identify regulations that apply to a data center.




16 Weeks


Self-Study or In-Person


This is an entry-level course, but students should possess general knowledge of mechanical or electrical engineering.





Course Outline
    • Module 01: Data Center Basics
    • Module 02: Data Center Physical Infrastructure: Overview
    • Module 03: Data Center Physical Infrastructure: Space
    • Module 04: Electrical Fundamentals
    • Module 05: Data Center Physical Infrastructure: Power
    • Module 06: Data Center Battery Overview
    • Module 07: Data Center Battery Overview
    • Module 08: : Data Center Physical Infrastructure: Cooling
    • Module 09: Fire Protection in the Data Center
    • Module 10: Data Center Racks
    • Module 11: Data Center Maintenance
    • Module 12: Data Center Reliability
    • Module 13: Data Center Availability
    • Module 14: Data Center Efficiency
    • Module 15: Managing Data Centers
    • Module 16: Data Center Operations
    • Module 17: Safety Considerations in the Data Center
    • Module 18: Data Center Regulations


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Lanham, MD 20706

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